July 14th, 2020
President Larry Todd called the meeting of the Meeteetse Museum board to order at 5:00 p.m. via video meeting.
Roll call: Board members present were Mervin Larsen, Larry Todd, Lynn Sessions, Lili Turnell, Dave Randol, and Mary Jane Luther. Director David Cunningham was present.
Consent Agenda:
Mervin Larsen moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Dave Randol seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.
Citizens Open Forum: None
Additions to the Agenda:
New: Review of Farm Bureau Insurance
Lili Turnell moved to approve the agenda as amended. Mary Jane Luther seconded the motion. All vote aye. Motion carried.
New Business:
Survey-Public Records Request & Public meetings Act: Mary Jane Luther brought up the survey online. The board completed the survey.
Board Member Resignation: Mervin Larsen presented the board with a letter of resignation, effective July 17, 2020. Mervin is moving out of the Museum District and is no longer eligible to be on the Board. Lili Turnell moved to accept Mervin Larsen’s resignation. Mary Jane Luther seconded the motion. All voted aye. Mervin abstained. Motion carried. Mary Jane Luther will contact the Park County Clerk for clarification on filling the unexpired vacancy.
Farm Bureau Insurance: This insurance covers the buildings and property. Lili Turnell will review the policy with the Farm Bureau.
Ongoing Business:
PPP Loan: Lili Turnell will fill out the paperwork.
Committee Reports: None
For the Good of the Board: Had a low offer on the fiberglass horses. We will keep them for now.
Adjournment: 5:34 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mary Jane Luther