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Legend Rock Tour

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Dr. Lawrence Loendorf leads the Meeteetse Museums’ tour of Legend Rock this year on August 13th. As with last year, this tour will be limited to two groups of 10 people so everyone can hear Dr. Loendorf. The first tour will be held at at 9:30 am and the other at 11 am. Because of this limitation, pre-registration is required.

Pre-registration opens on May 3rd at 10 am for non-members. Members can register starting April 19 at 10 am. Registration can be done by calling (307)868-2423 or stopping by in person. Email or voicemail registrations will not be considered. Registration is open until slots are filled or the week prior to the event unless otherwise noted.

Dr Lawrence (Larry) Loendorf was born and raised in Montana. His BA and MA degrees are in anthropology and archaeology from the University of Montana and his PhD is from the University of Missouri-Columbia. He taught at the University of North Dakota for 22 years and then moved to undertake research and teaching at New Mexico State University. Currently, he is the President of Sacred Sites Research, Inc., a non-profit company that is dedicated to protecting ancient pictograph and petroglyph sites.

Loendorf’s early career was mainly as a “dirt” archaeologist. Working with field crews, he located and excavated dozens of sites in the Pryor Mountain-Bighorn Canyon region and on the High Plains from North Dakota to New Mexico. For the past thirty years he has concentrated on rock art related research projects. This research was in Montana, Wyoming, Colorado and New Mexico, although he directed a three-year project recording rock art sites in Canyon de Chelly, Arizona.

He has written numerous scholarly articles with two books directed primarily toward rock art Ancient Visions: Petroglyphs and Pictographs from the Wind River and Bighorn Country, Wyoming and Montana and Thunder and Herds: Rock Art of the High Plains. He has also completed research into the former lifeways of the Sheep Eater Indians in Yellowstone National Park, writing the book Mountain Spirit: The Sheep Eater Indians of Yellowstone (available in the Meeteetse Museums Gift Store, members receive 10% off).

This program was made possible by a grant by the Wyoming Humanities.

  • Type: Archaeology,Tour
  • Time: August 13, 2022 - 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

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