All our podcasts are available using the different platforms below.
Our podcast “Meeteetse Stories” explores Meeteetse-area history through its people, places, and events. Developed in-house by the Meeteetse Museums staff, each season combines local history with interviews and oral histories to bring the events to life.
Season 1 features the research of Kathleen Holtzer. Beginning with the Civil War and ending with World War II, we explore national and international conflicts through Meeteetse veterans. Interviews feature John Lustrea, National Museum of Civil War Medicine; Dr. Kurt Hackemer, University of South Dakota; Dr. Ari Kelman, University of California- Davis; Randall Wise, Pioneer Museum in Lander; Dr. Jeffery Means, University of Wyoming; Craig Nelson, author of Pearl Harbor: From Infamy to Greatness; Dr. John C. McManus, Missouri University of Science and Technology; Tyler Bamford, National WWII Museum; Lacey Opdycke, National Women’s History Museum; Dr. William Meadows, Missouri State; Dr. Tammy Proctor, Utah State University; Dr. Carl Strikwerda; Ed Lengel, National WWII Museum; and Carol Byerly, University of Colorado- Boulder.
Season 2 takes a different approach to Meeteetse history by telling the story of the United States’ national mammal, the bison. We begin our story with the ancestors of modern bison and work our way through time to present day. This season touches on Native American subsistence and relationality with bison, the North American Model of Conservation, the near extinction of bison at the turn of the 19th century, the Meeteetse Museums’ “Bison of the Bighorn Basin Project”, and current reintroduction efforts. Special guests include Jason Baldes, Dr. Chris Widga, Dr. Jeff M. Martin, Dr. Kenneth Cannon, and Dr. Lawrence Todd.
“Meeteetse Stories” is available through the platforms below. Please consider donating to the Meeteetse Museums to support continued work on our podcast.
1947 State Street
Meeteetse, Wyoming 82433
PO Box 248
Meeteetse, Wyoming 82433
Hours: Tues through Sat 10 AM – 4 PM