Bison of the Bighorn Basin: Radiocarbon Dating Results and New Questions By Amy Phillips In June 2021, we sampled 23 bison from the Project to conduct radiocarbon dating and stable carbon and nitrogen analysis (Figure 1). For analysis, the samples were sent to John Southon at the University of California, Irvine W.M. Keck Carbon Cycle […]

Experimental Archaeology: Bison Butchery By Dr. Lawrence Todd One of archaeology’s central goals is to make reliable interpretations about past conditions based on the traces that survive today. This is difficult and requires a tremendous amount of time and effort spent trying to develop, evaluate, and refine archaeological interpretive methods. Finding artifacts and other clues […]
Meeteetse Museums Legend Rock Tour 2021 By Dr. Lawrence Loendorf Saturday June 19, 2021, the Meeteetse Museums will sponsor a tour of the Legend Rock petroglyph site located between Meeteetse and Thermopolis, Wyoming. The tour leader is Dr. Lawrence Loendorf, an archaeologist who has worked in the southern Montana and northern Wyoming region for the […]